Airtronic 风暖加热器
![[Translate to zh:] Danny MacAskill chose the small Airtronic D2 air heater from Eberspächer.](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/7/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-2_37ea6ca588.jpg)
步骤 1
首先,您需要找到适合您个人需求的加热器。在这种情况下,我们选择了加热性能为 2 千瓦的 Airtronic 风暖加热器。
步骤 2
![[Translate to zh:] An installation location is chosen for the pre-heater – under the vehicle, to save space.](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/8/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-4_de2b55498d.jpg)
![[Translate to zh:] A special holder means the pre-heater is easily attached to the underbody.](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/2/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-5_d15cd5ba37.jpg)
步骤 3
步骤 4
Airtronic 的出风口通过柔性排气管与消声器相连,使风暖加热器在运行时更安静。
![[Translate to zh:] The exhaust outlet of the Airtronic is connected to the muffler via a flexible exhaust pipe. This makes the air heater even quieter during operation.](/fileadmin/_processed_/6/d/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-6_69dfc48c88.jpg)
![[Translate to zh:] The expert makes holes at suitable points in the floor panel for the vents, so that the pre-heated air can get into the interior.](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/0/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-7_f9846e2ee6.jpg)
步骤 5
步骤 6
![[Translate to zh:] And this is what a fitted vent looks like in the interior.](/fileadmin/_processed_/c/8/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-8_2c844f0a57.jpg)
![[Translate to zh:] For air recirculation mode, the necessary intake air is taken from a protected spot (in this case, the door sill).](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/9/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-9_2f934cf93d.jpg)
步骤 7
步骤 8
![[Translate to zh:] The air hoses leading from the vents are attached to the diesel heater with hose clamps.](/fileadmin/_processed_/c/1/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-10_6ac8a45236.jpg)
![[Translate to zh:] The metering pump is integrated in the fuel line between the fuel tank and the pre-heater. It’s important to remember to fit the metering pump with the pressure side facing up.](/fileadmin/data/csp/images/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-10.jpg)
步骤 9
步骤 10
![[Translate to zh:] The heater is connected to the cable harness.](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/d/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-13_49b2de6a7d.jpg)
![[Translate to zh:] The cables for the power supply and operation are routed to the inside ...](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/2/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-14_2954929104.jpg)
步骤 11
步骤 12
![[Translate to zh:] ... and connected to the battery in the engine compartment.](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/f/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-15_64d9dcf3fa.jpg)
![[Translate to zh:] Finally, the control unit of the pre-heater is installed. Danny MacAskill chose the EasyStart Web remote control, which controls the pre-heater from any distance.](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/5/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-16_6660b79442.jpg)
步骤 13
最后,安装加热器的控制单元。示例中选用的是 EasyStart Web 遥控器,即使远距离也能控制加热器。
步骤 14
例如,使用 EasyStart Web,只需在智能手机上轻点几下便能操作加热器,可以随时随地启动加热器。
![[Translate to zh:] With the EasyStart Web, the pre-heater can be operated by a few taps on a smartphone, for instance. So Danny can activate the pre-heater anytime, anywhere.](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/6/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-18_7972bd1b28.jpg)
![[Translate to zh:] All ready! After a few hours, installation is complete. The exhaust and combustion air ducting, heating-air ducting, fuel line, electrical connection and vents in the interior are all fitted and ready to go.](/fileadmin/_processed_/a/d/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-19_946964c1f7.jpg)
步骤 15
步骤 16
![[Translate to zh:] After installation, the original underbody paneling is re-attached. This keeps everything safely stowed away and protects the heater from dirt.](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/c/csm_einbaustory-danny-macaskill-20_d41a840a13.jpg)