Eberspächer auxiliary heaters for motor homes and camper vans
Warmth and comfort wherever your wanderlust takes you

Fuel operated air or water heaters
Tailored to your personal traveling profile
Modern gasoline or diesel operated heaters for campers and motor homes make traveling in your mobile home more pleasant and more comfortable. They combine many advantages in a small footprint: they are extremely quiet, don’t use much fuel or electricity, can be controlled with precision, and can also keep the vehicle interior warm and cozy while you’re driving.
Diesel/gasoline or propane?
If you’re camping in the winter, 80% of the propane you use is needed for propane heating. So you always need to keep your motor home stocked up with propane. With a fuel operated heater, you no longer need to do this, because it is supplied from the vehicle tank and is very frugal. This way, you save on weight and gain a lot of valuable storage space. At the same time, you’re more independent on the road, as you don’t have to keep worrying about finding suitable propane bottles with the right adapter, which can very often be a logistical challenge when you’re abroad.

What counts when making your selection from Eberspächer’s extensive heater range is your personal heating needs – which depend on your vehicle, your travel destinations and habits, and how you intend to use the auxiliary heater.
The following questions are an initial aid to your decision-making:
How big is the space I want to heat? Am I only going to use the heater as additional heating? Do I want to be able to warm up the interior spontaneously and quickly? Do I want to heat the tap water (boiler, shower) as well? Are a pre-heated engine and de-iced windows important to me? Do I spend long periods in very cold climates? Do I simply want to extend the travel season into spring and fall/winter? Does the heater also have to function at high altitude? How big is the installation space?
The table below provides some initial guidance:
I need heating in the front area, e.g. in the area of the lift bed
We recommend: Airtronic S3 Commercial air heater

I need fast and independent heating in the living area, including the front area
We recommend: Airtronic M3 Commercial or Airtronic M3 Recreational air heater

I need de-iced windows, pre-heating to protect the engine and rapid heating via control fittings
We recommend: Hydronic water heater

I would like a constantly warm interior via fan convectors or underfloor heating and/or diesel operated tap water heating in connection with a boiler
We recommend: Hydronic water heater

For help with choosing your custom heating solution, click here:

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Always have the heat exactly where you need it
Eberspächer auxiliary heaters as additional heating
With Eberspächer auxiliary heaters supplementing your vehicle or propane heaters, unpleasant cold patches in the vehicle can easily be transformed into cozy warm zones – in the front for clear wrap-around windows, an ideal climate for sleeping in the lift beds, or for uniform heat distribution in the living area. Compact auxiliary heaters fit nearly anywhere in or under the vehicle. For your very personal heat management.
Airtronic S3 Commercial as additional heating for the front and living areas
For fast heat and longer operating times. Can also replace the propane heater.
Hydronic S3 Economy as additional heating for the front area
Integrated in the coolant circuit. Ideal for de-icing windows and pre-heating the engine.
More information on additional heater installation examples in motor homes.
Camper van
Retrofitting an diesel heater
Compact and quiet Eberspächer units can be installed virtually anywhere in the vehicle without problem.
You can see photos documenting the most important steps when installing a diesel heater in a camper van here:

Manually, remotely – or both
Heater control units – made for life on the road
Regulate the heat in the interior quickly and easily while you’re in the vehicle, pre-program the operating times at your leisure, or simply pre-heat your motor home in advance from the piste. All this is possible – you can even combine offline and online control. What matters is what you want.
Perfectly coordinated
Accessories for heaters
With reliable accessories from perfectly coordinated components that can be integrated in the Eberspächer heater system without problem, uniform air distribution and ideal temperatures in the vehicle interior are guaranteed. Auxiliary heater noise can even be minimized if you wish, either by retrofitting a muffler or using a metering pump holder specially designed for motor homes.